Thursday, January 21, 2010

Funciona el WIFI (pronounced: WEE FEEEE)

And our wifi is working again, gracias a Dios!!

Laura and I had a brief meltdown last night when our wifi cut out, so we had to make due with communication the old fashioned way: speaking face to face. Well, it can definitely be seen as a cosa afortunada (good thing) because I spent a lot of time with Ana yesterday evening. Laura se puso enferma con los escalofríos y la fiebre (sick with the chills and a fever)-- do NOT worry, Ana took the temperature a thousand times with her Celsius thermometer because no entiende (she doesn't understand) our American gadgets. So after a good siesta (you know this word by now), I went down and braved la cena (dinner) by myself with Ana y Manolo. It was nice and light according to their standards: pavo (turkey) sandwich with tomatos... LOTS of helpings of tomatoes. And then for dessert, they served me helado (ice cream) "Come el helado Sarita. Necesita tomar su pastilla y vas a comer. Come niña!" (EAT YOUR ICECREAM, TAKE YOUR BILL). So she understands that I am, in fact, lactose intolerant but no importa (it doesn't matter). So I was force-fed ice cream for the 3rd time and didn't make a fuss. It is VERY important to lick your plate clean, or else you are questioned for not liking the food. I learned to say "mi estómago está llena" (I am full) and then I make a sad face, and it's usually sufficient. So we talked and talked until I was numb, and Ana and I sat down to watch a movie: Love Story. The whole thing was in Spanish, and we had to stop a couple of times para mis preguntas (for my questions) but it was totally fine. I had to explain the plot back to her when we were finished so if I can do that, I think I'll be successful aquí (here).

AND I will actually be right back... I hear my name being hollered from downstairs because they are entertaining more family guests. Hasta pronto!

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